Sunday, February 28, 2010
tanpa makna
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ultimate Human Sauna

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) test today. Here's the condition:
I Wish I Knew Now What I Knew Then
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mati Hidup Kembali
Sang by Butterfingers. I love this song so much. If this song is a girl I'd surely do her.
Nah. Kidding.
Jalan raya terlampau sunyi
untukku terus bermimpi
mataku belum mengantuk lagi
bawa kemana saja ku pergi
Tunjukkan ku bulan gerhana
tiada siapa nak ku jumpa
benda yang tiada ku sangka ada
tak mengapa oh tak mengapa
Malam semalam gundah gulana
hari ini hari mulia
tak pernah daku rasa begini
seperti mati hidup kembali
Bawa ku hilang dari ingatan
hari ini sehingga esok
tak pernah daku rasa begini
seperti mati hidup kembali
Angkasa penuh dengan bunyian
ku capai sebelah tangan
sebalik awan ada cahaya
bercahayalah selamanya
Daku tertawa seorang diri
darah yang mengalir terhenti
fikiran ku melayang-layang
tiada siapa yang perasan
Malam semalam gundah gulana
hari ini hari mulia
tak pernah daku rasa begini
seperti mati hidup kembali
Bawa ku hilang dari ingatan
hari ini sehingga esok
tak pernah daku rasa begini
seperti mati hidup kembali
Tak pernah daku rasa begini
seperti mati hidup kembali
Monday, February 22, 2010
Million Dollar Question
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Coma and Only
these unending thoughts match that of thee
either none or infinity
beyond or within sanity
concluding this complexity
Faces, they disguise too perfectly
thoughts, into corners they hid discreetly
peeking, stalking beneath uncertainty
through spoken words blurted unwittingly
really, ask me, choke me
none I wish but be alive shall thee
be merry, more than ever could any
if not then it shall be me not thee
away and away that's where I shall be.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Beauty Ugly
I Dunno LOL
Friday, February 19, 2010
Moderation Commence!

Subliminal Messages
-that you had decided
-that happened
Either they are
-right or wrong
-for better or for worse
You are
-right, either way
-are what you choose
Two Questions, One Answer

This morning at 9 something I woke up with this question popped up in my head.
"Why fix something that is not broken?"
Then, few minutes later as I lay on my bed, lazily, another question followed.
"Or is it broken beyond repair?"
Then, came an answer to both questions.
"So that means it's not worth fixing."
End of story.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Taming of the Tongkang.

Last night I was discussing with Herne about the script which I was obliged to write. The script is for our final project for Shakespeare course, we were assigned to stage an adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew. These few days, trust me, I've had this kind of mental block. The reason was probably because of two contrasting demands in my mind.
The theme that we chose for the play was a combination of a high school setting and masquerade. Thus, my script will be based on an adaptation of The Taming of The Shew - 10 Things I Hate About You, as it really suit our theme. Without compromising originality, of course. Then, I asked Mr. Arif, our lecturer, he said that there will be a bit of problem. We were trying to adapt and adaptation, so it will be an adaptation of an adaptation. The fear is that the originality will deluge. Yeah, I admit that is indeed a problem. Thus, here's my list of ideas after discussion with the director.
List of ideas and pros/cons:
1. The play will be based on the original work and language, but with modern high school environment.
Pro: It's freaking original.
Con: The actors (us) will shit brick memorizing the script and the audience shit more bricks trying to understand the lines. And students hate Shakespeare. Really. Look at me.
2. The play happens in a contemporary high school. The lines and the story.
Pro: Easier and more interesting to be done.
Con: Each time I try to write the script it seems to mimic 10 Things I Hate About You. It's such a pain the arse. Can you tell me anything that can represent dowry in high school setting?
3. Lose the high school setting.
Pro: Problem solved!
Con: High school setting = cheaper and free costumes. Free props.
4. Keep the high school setting, jumble up roles and characters.
Pro: It's brilliant and twisted. Kate will be a sissy male, Petruchio will be a shrew female. Lucentio and Bianca roles are kept, only gender switched. So Petruchio's job is to turn Kat into a shrew.
Con: Lack of actors and trust me it's a brick-shitting work, but still possible to be done. But with this time constraint, no.
5. Lose the theme and revamp everything.
Pro: Profit!
Con: No. No. No.
So these are the ideas. Anyway, don't worry. I'll try my best to finish it before this holiday ends.
Oh, last night Herne asked me this question.
"Joe, from your observation, among our group members, who is the hardest one to act?"
So I answered,
"Huh? Honestly, me! Hahaha!"
She laughed and said "I'll slap you!". But really, I mean it. My pictures, as you can see in this blog, they have no expressions. So are the others. Naili also told me once, "What's with your picture? Macam takda perasaan je?" In other words, I am expressively challenged.
Somebody, teach me how to express. Teach me how to smile.
Is 'Expressions For Dummies' available in nearby bookstores?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
That Reminder I Forgot
At 9:00 just now, my phone rang. It was not a call. It was a reminder. A reminder for 17th February, a reminder which I'd forgotten to remove from my phone. A reminder for a day which I believed I told myself I did not remember.
"17th February huh?"
Really, I had no idea. I thought I'd removed the reminder. Really I thought. Let's just talk about the reminder, nothing else. I've forgotten anyway. I don't remember. Don't judge me, don't you ever judge me.
Memories may be erased in whatever means, either scientifically or through self-deception. Or simply by facing the reality or by banging your head on the wall.
But still, its remnants are here and there to stay. Don't give me shit, me.
And this does not change anything, no matter what. What's done is done.
p/s: Damn, I hate being melancholic on such a foggy (hazy), peaceful (industrial), morning. Amazingly, this gigantic SAUNA is cool today. Whoa.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cirit or Die
Monologue 12:14 P.M.
Like how it happened.
Even if it costs my soul.
Because after all, the hardest part of it is to save ourselves from ourselves.
Let's start a world anew.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Before and After
Lelaki: Akhirnya, aku sudah menunggu masa ini tiba sejak dulu lagi.
Perempuan: Apakah abang rela kalau sayang pergi?
Lelaki: Oh...Tidak!
Perempuan: Adakah abang mencintai sayang?
Lelaki: Ya, mestilah.
Perempuan: Apakah abang akan pernah curang?
Lelaki: Tidak sesekali abang akan buat.
Perempuan: Abang nak cium sayang tak?
Lelaki: Ya.
Perempuan: Abangku sayang....
After and later in a relationship or marriage, please read upward or in reverse.
*Source: Found in a forum.
Seven Sentences
As I said before, for certain things, explanations are simply futile.
Must everything have reasons?
Try, try, try
This will be my favourite Valentine's Day song ever.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Fuck You Valentine's Day
*Before reading, you should know that my profanity alarm is broken while writing this posts. So if you worry you might be offended, please do not proceed reading.*
"Oh, it's today." I thought.
It's no good at all! Why should you waste your time being cloudy and dovey on 14th February? Valentine, Valentine, Valentine, you think it's gonna seal your love forever? You wish. Nothing ever lasts. Chocolates and roses. Hopes and wishes. What childish dreams! I'd burn them into ashes!
Oh. For those who were in love, pardon my harshness. It will come into sense later.
Valentine's day. Is there the need to celebrate? Tell me what good will come out of it? It's only a day and it promises nothing. Practicality, that's what I'm talking about. Humans, they are so helpless. We enjoy doing things that only last for a while. And here comes the word "worthwhile". Who the fuck coined such word? Something that doesn't last is never worth experiencing. You know what I want? Something eternal. Forever. No matter how impossible that is.
But, life ends no matter what. Nothing lasts forever after all. So fuck my arguments.
Valentine's day, fuck you.
After all, the saddest part of this is that I was actually affected, by the fact that I'm alone on 14th February.
No matter how I tell myself that it's not meaningful. Shut up!
Oh well. I'm coming to KL!
And Happy Valentine's day to all! :)
Happy Chinese New Year

Again, Happy Chinese New Year to my readers! To both the public and silent followers!
p/s: It's like a calm before the storm. Happy and empty night. Tomorrow I'll be busy working on my script. Sigh. I really want to go somewhere tonight. Anywhere will do.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Already There
Word Play
Friday, February 12, 2010
Five Dilemmas.
1. Stupidity. This isn't a problem because nobody is born stupid. Only laziness or they are simply assholes. Or they were born retarded. No offense here by the way.
2. Laziness. Being lazy is pardonable. Nobody is perfect, laziness is a part of human nature, even for the Japanese. Japanophile not included. You can be lazy, you can procrastinate, but when needed, be committed.
3. Ignorance. Yes, this is problematic. When you notice that you don't have a group yet for a particular assessment, it's your job to contact particular persons and tell them you wanted to join their group. They are not your caretaker nor they will call you and ask you to join their group, especially if the deadline for that assessment is 8 hours later and you did nothing for the group, not even contacting the members.
4. Being too clueless. Hello? Where do you live? At least get some idea what the assessment is about. The course information is available there. So is the book. You can read, I can read. Now, can we, like, live happily ever after? Questions are good, but answering too much of them can be a bit overwhelming.
5. Plagiarism. For God's sake, I don't plagiarize my work, I never plagiarize, I will never plagiarize my work. Maybe I'm laid back, but when it comes to work, that's a different story. I can be so damn fussy that I'd do the work alone. To that extent. Yes, I'm psychotic like that.
That's all for this happy morning. Just a little bit more! I can do it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
"Nanti Saya Mati"
a thirst to quench
an awkward cast
of a redundant play
a failure
of expressions
a figure
outside of a photograph
a man
of a faint smile
I write
to express
not to impress
a note
for me to remember
a reminder
so I won't forget
a will
as a reminder
Rot my body
perish my soul
but this wish I insist
these words persist
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Lost My Words
Most left unspoken.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A Change Is A Must
I wouldn't know the answer
Ask me what
I don't have the answer
Ask me when
Time took the answer
I did because I did
Like a dead moth
Like a morbid crow
A complexity
so massive, enigmatic
yet alluring
drifted and lost
yet so sincere it felt
Thanks for the colours.
Not Interested
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Sweet Lies, Bitter Truth
Bangun Pagi Gosok Gigi
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
1. To gain power but not to corrupt
2. To seize opportunity but not to take advantage
3. To love yet not to possess
4. To gather knowledge but not to brag
5. To speak only with reasons
6. To care yet not to bear
7. To trust and remain cautious
8. To put anger next after rationality
9. To live and remember death
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monologue 7.47 p.m.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Gelap Langit
cerah hari
tertanya hati
penghujung pelangi
nanti lagi
tidak pasti
nanti lagi
tidak jua kembali
hati kata mari
tapi realiti tertawa sendiri
Jangan campakkan dirimu
ke ruang itu
cerah hari
silih berganti
pastikan ada nanti
jalan kembali
kelak senyummu
akan berseri lagi.