
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do You Ever Feel

In case this is relevant to you. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

Well, do you? HAHAHA


Anonymous said...[Reply]

woha! i do feel that sometimes. in case u havent go here.

eszol raar said...[Reply]

i never knew that plastic bag could write or have any expression

btw,i loled

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]


Good. So sometimes boleh pakai untuk simpan groceries?

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]


I too wonder how it feels to be a plastic bag.

clarky said...[Reply]

I've always wanted to be a fashion mannequin.
the plastic bag feels naked im sure. yum..katy perry...*drool*

una berry said...[Reply]

plastic bag is hazardous for kids :D

Lilyana said...[Reply]

i do feel that!!!!!!!!!!!!!hah..

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]


Plastic sounds tempting, but I prefer latex better. Latex anyone? Heheheh

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]

@una berry

True, mom used to tell me not to play with plastic bags. Pernah dengar budak mati lemas?

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]


So I bet you can fly? Macam best lah.

clarky said...[Reply]

oooh fetish!
care for BDSM?
hah hah!

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]


BDSM is not my game. Candles and whips? I'll stop at latex. Hahaha

Anonymous said...[Reply]

i feel plastic beg when we keep wearing abranded shirt with its huge logo.demmit. lol.

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]


That's why I prefer random shirts from random stores. Pernah dengar brand Cap Ayam? Hahaha

THESUPERMOON said...[Reply]

my sister kept singing the first line of the song, 'do you know how it feels like a plastic bag' and i go maddddd upon hearing her manglish accent pronouncing the plastic bag. come on, translate the line into malay, it sounds utterly stupid.

Valossa Vicious said...[Reply]

@munirah ruslan

"Pernahkah kau rasa seperti beg plastik?" Hahahaha
I bet the plastic bag is sad because it pollutes the environment!